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4 Easy Ways to use Restorative Face Oil for Amazing Skin

Using oil on your skin can seem counterintuitive, especially if you grew up in the "oil-free" movement like I did. Although all skin is not created equal, meaning, approaching ones skin care is exactly like approaching ones health so what works for one may not work for another...this does not diminish the benefits that oiling your skin can give you! What this means is that you may need to use your oil differently.

Originally, I developed my Restorative Face Oil (RFO) for my acne prone skin, and WOW, what a difference it made for my surface and cystic acne, especially by using tips number 1 and 2 below. But over time as my skin healed and matured, I noticed that my skin changed and the way I was using my RFO was no longer serving my skin the way I wanted it to.

This is because as I grew in my own healing journey and addressed other causes of my skin ailments IE: hormones, gut health, etc., my skin needs changed. Additionally, as we grow older our skin becomes thinner, can lose fat and elasticity which can result in dull and less plump skin causing more fine lines and longer healing times.

Again, depending where you are in your skin care journey and even the season of the year, this will determine how you use oils on your skin AND what type of oils you use on your skin. I recommend giving each of the below 4 tips a try to see what works for you!

Here are 4 ways you can use my non-comedogenic, antioxidant rich Restorative Face Oil for amazing skin:

1. Daily oil cleansing: Remove makeup, reduce excess oil and breakouts, soothe sensitive skin, improve skin barrier

  • Add 1/2 - 1 dropper of oil in your hand

  • Gently massage oil into your face, neck, and décolleté to remove makeup and other impurities from the day

  • Using a warm soft face cloth, gently remove the oil for the areas you applied it to

  • Repeat if wearing makeup

  • Your face should feel fresh and hydrated, not oily after this process

  • Moisturize if needed

2a. Face Steam - Cloth Method: Soften skin, deeply hydrating, cleansing

  • Wash face, neck, and décolleté using tip 1 or with your favourite face cleanser

  • Apply 1/2-1 dropper of oil into your hands

  • Gently massage oil into your face, neck, and décolleté

  • Using a warm soft face cloth, drape it over your skin where you have applied your oil and let sit until cool. Take some deep breaths to let the aromatherapy in the oil calm your nervous system - this is very relaxing laying down and the perfect way to decompress from your day!

  • Gently remove excess oil using the same cloth

  • Your face should feel fresh and hydrated, not oily after this process

  • Moisturize if needed

2b. Face Steam - Steamer: Soften skin, deeply hydrating, cleansing

  • Wash face, neck, and décolleté using tip 1 or with your favourite face cleanser

  • Apply 1/2-1 dropper of oil into your hands

  • Gently massage oil into your face, neck, and décolleté

  • Turn on your favourite calming music

  • Drape a towel over your head and face steamer/steaming pot of water (PLEASE BE CAREFUL not to give your self a steam burn if you have never done this before)

  • Sit over the steam with your eyes closed and breath deeply for 12-15 minutes

  • Remove towel and gently dab your face of any moisture

  • Your face should feel incredibly hydrated but feel free to add your favourite moisturizer if you need it

  • PRO-TIP: Especially helpful during change of seasons to help your skin transition

3. Seal in hydration!

  • Face oil is always last in your night time routine because it is an occlusive which means while it does moisturize it seals in moisture already on your face and builds a barrier between your skin and the outside

  • After your evening night routine, apply 1/2-1 dropper of oil to face, neck, and décolleté to seal in all of nourishment you just put on your face!

4. Body oil: Soften skin, hydrate and seal in hydration

  • The Restorative Face Oil is not just for your face, you can use this all over your body! Just the physical action of self massage has a host of benefits with the added benefit of adding oil to create exceptional hydration and beautiful body glow!

  • After your bath or shower, apply as needed all over your skin

Happy oiling!

Ninetta M. Savino, B.A., Dip. Phyto.

Medical Herbalist


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