Um, wha?? Action Words

So you're learning herbs....
Herbal terminology will be an important part of learning herbs. Understanding common words and terms will provide a deeper understanding of the plants actions and uses. Among the different categories of herbal terminology, action words allow you to quickly identify the uses and conditions under which a specific herb could be used or should not be used.
Action words can sum up the uses of a plant very nicely and be used as a quick reference to what a plant is capable of. However, it's important to note that if you are just learning herbs, it's important to look at all the plants qualities and to always work with an experienced herbalist or practitioner to ensure safety of use.
Although these words look a little intimidating at first, keep practicing! In no time you'll be using these action words.
The list below provides you with a to-the-point definition of each action word. At some point, an in-depth post describing each action with examples of plants and herbs that fall under them would be beneficial so a point of reference can be established.
This list does not include all action words used but will provide you with a good quantity to review.
Abortifacient: Induce abortion
Adaptogen: Modulating action for entire body
Alterative: Restore health and vitality to help assimilate nutrients and eliminate waste properly through lymphatic system
Anodyne/Analgesic: Relieve pain
Antacid: Neutralize acid in stomach and intestinal
Anti-carcinogenic: Prevent or delay cancer
Anti-catarrhal: Counteracts excessive mucous and inflammation in sinus or respiratory
Anti-depressant: Depressed states of mind
Anti-emetic: Relieve nausea and vomiting
Anti-inflammatory: Combats extensive/excessive states of inflammation
Anti-microbial: Stimulate immune system to combat micro-organisms
Antioxidant: Protects body from free radicals
Antiseptic: Prevents or eliminates sepsis
Antispasmodic: Prevents or eases spasms
Aperient: Gentle stimulation to digestion, mild laxative
Aphrodisiac: Increase sexual desire/excitation (libido)
Astringent: Tone muscle tissues
Bitter: Stimulates digestion
Cardio-protective: Protects the heart
Carminative: Initiate peristalsis
Choleretic: Increase secretion bile from the liver
Cholagogue: Flow of bile from gallbladder
Counter-irritant/ Derivative: Induce local irritation, draw blood in
Demulcent: Mucilaginous herbs, relax and sooth tissues
Depurative: Purifying & detoxifying
Diaphoretic: Increase sweating
Diuretic: Increase urine flow
Emmenagogue: Increase menstrual flow
Emollient: Skin to soften, smooth and protect
Expectorant: Remove excess mucous
Amphoteric: Stimulate OR relaxing expectorant IE: Allium sativum
Stimulating: Vagus nerve affecting upper gastric and bronchial reflex IE: Lobelia inflate & Inula helenium
Relaxing: Mucilage. Anti-spasmodic. Thin mucous and relieve irritation IE: Althaea off.
Febrifuge: Reduce fever
Galactagogue: Flow of mother’s milk
Hemostatic: Arrests bleeding
Hepatic: Strengthen and tones liver
Hepato-protective: Protects liver
Hypnotic: Relaxant/sedative action, sleep aid
Hypotensive: Reduce blood pressure
Immune stimulant: Stimulate immune response to deal with infection
Lymphatic: Support lymphatic system
Nervine: CNS. Relaxing, stimulating and/or tonic depending on herb
Refrigerant: Colling herbs lower body temperature and relieve thirst
Rubefacient: Localized increase of blood
Sedative: Calm CNS by reducing stress and nervous irritation
Sialagogue: Increase flow of saliva
Stimulant: Warms body, increase circulation, breaks up congestion and obstruction
Styptic: Stop external bleeding by astringing
Stomachic: Tonic to the stomach
Tonic: Improve assimilation of nutrients
Vasodilator: Dilates veins = increase circulation
Vulnerary: Healing wounds externally
Ninetta (Nina) Savino